
足迹:喀布尔博物馆1988 (2003)

  • 别名:Arishihi no Kabul Hakubutsukan - 1988nen / Traces: The Kabul Museum 1988
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2003
  • 更新时间:
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足迹:喀布尔博物馆1988原名:在りし日のカーブル博物館 1988年,又名Arishihi no Kabul Hakubutsukan - 1988nen、Traces: The Kabul Museum 1988

An estimated 70% of the cultural treasures stored in the Kabul Museum in Afghanistan were destroyed, looted, or illegally sold abroad after the Democratic Republic collapsed in 1992 and the Taliban took power in 1996. Japanese documentarist Noriaki Tsuchimoto fortunately visited the museum before that and produced the world’s only moving image record of this priceless collectio...

发布于2003年。由土本典昭执导,并且由编剧Noriaki Tsuchimoto携幕后团队创作。并于2003公映的电影。