最高档 极地特辑在线观看和下载

最高档 极地特辑 (2007)

  • 别名:巅峰拍档 极地特辑
  • 豆瓣评分:  9.5
  • 演员: Jeremy Clarkson / Richard Hammond / James May
  • 上映时间: 2007-07-25
  • 更新时间:
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最高档 极地特辑原名:Top Gear: Polar Special,又名巅峰拍档 极地特辑

The team head to the North Pole by car - something never before attempted and something they were going to attempt by two different methods. One team composed of Jezza (Jeremy Clarkson) and Captain Slow (James May) in the car and the other team being Hamster (Richard Hammond), Mattie McNair (one of the world's leading sled-dog explorers and racers) and 10 huskie dogs.  The car (...

发布于2007年。由Nigel Simpkiss执导,集众多位Jeremy Clarkson、Richard Hammond、James May等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2007-07-25公映的电影。

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书呆子说,I'm only here because the producer said I had to be. 大猩猩对书呆子说:往另一个方面想一想,你将成为到达北极点但并不想去那里的第一个人

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幽夜读月 2022-01-12

三贱客最精彩的特辑之一,片尾字幕对Sir Ranulph Fiennes的致敬令人动容。

_心戚/7 2021-11-16

雪地里的一抹红 狗狗后的Hamster

dac 2017-07-03

Top Gear: Polar Special (2007)

ANTIDOTE 2015-03-18

Lat. :N 78°35'7" Long. :W 104°11'9"

Air. 2013-05-19

We've made it!!!It's flat!It's smooth!And no **** going up and down!!!

J0N4TH0N 2012-08-20

Bloody hell! Can't believe it they made it driving to the North pole. These guys are just insane. But hang on, it is just the insanity that made up the excellency of the show and it is the obsession that made us couldn't love the show any better! BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVO!