
自助餐 (1983)

  • 别名:Smorgasbord
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 杰瑞·刘易斯 / 米尔顿·伯利 / 小萨米·戴维斯
  • 上映时间: 1983-04-13
  • 更新时间:
八戒共享 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



哭泣的马 Vera Donskaya、Yuri Dedovich
糟糕的相遇 让-克洛德·帕斯卡、阿努克·艾梅
更多 11-08
学爸 10-14




自助餐原名:Cracking Up,又名Smorgasbord

Warren Nefron is a hopeless klutz who has some of the worst luck in the world: when he tries to end it all with a foolproof ******* plan, he still manages to mess it up. In desperation, he goes to a psychiatrist to see if there is some way for him to end his troubles. As the doctor talks with him, the film cuts to a series of shorts about scenes from Nefron's life, and the live...

发布于1983年。由杰瑞·刘易斯执导,并且由编剧杰瑞·刘易斯、Bill Richmond携幕后团队创作。集众多位杰瑞·刘易斯、米尔顿·伯利、小萨米·戴维斯等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1983-04-13公映的电影。

丁一 2023-02-28
