
主要嫌疑犯4:黑暗气息 (1995)

  • 别名:Prime Suspect 4: Scent of Darkness
  • 豆瓣评分:  8.3
  • 演员: 海伦·米伦 / 蒂姆·伍德沃德 / 克里斯·福尔福德-布朗 / Penelope Beaumont
  • 上映时间: 1995-05-15
  • 更新时间:
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主要嫌疑犯4:黑暗气息原名:Prime Suspect: Scent of Darkness,又名Prime Suspect 4: Scent of Darkness

A series of horrific murders of women in a pattern very similar to a previous series of murder Police Detective Jane Tennison investigated lends support to a growing popular feeling that she arrested the wrong man, who has always claimed his innocence. Jane refuses to accept that possibility and orders her team to investigate the new murders to the exclusion of reviewing the ol...

发布于1995年。由保罗·马库斯执导,并且由编剧盖伊·希伯特携幕后团队创作。集众多位海伦·米伦、蒂姆·伍德沃德、克里斯·福尔福德-布朗、Penelope Beaumont等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1995-05-15公映的电影。

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「Know what makes u such an arsehole? U think that u have the right to go into ** private life to discredit me. I've taken a lot of crap over the years,but this time,u've surpassed it all. It didn't work,did it? U see,I'm still here. U can't get rid me no matter how hard u try.」

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