
哲学:幸福指南 (2000)

  • 豆瓣评分:  8.8
  • 演员: Alain de Botton
  • 上映时间: 2000-03-26
  • 更新时间:
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哲学:幸福指南原名:Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness,

A self-**** guide which applies the teachings of philosophers to dealing with life's everyday problems.  24 min x 6 episodes

发布于2000年。由Celia Lowenstein执导,并且由编剧Alain de Botton携幕后团队创作。集众多位Alain de Botton等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2000-03-26公映的电影。

Zoe 2021-03-26


Devilbean 2020-06-23


巴拉巴拉小魔心 2020-04-06


reads 2020-02-23

socrates: do not listen tothemajority of people,but listen to logic. Do not be afraid to be different. epicurus : 3 ingredients of happiness: friends, *******, and an analyzed life. Buying commodities will not bring happiness. Please think twice before go shopping.

钱自由 2019-03-28

可以看看《the school of life》的系列视*。 阿兰德波顿是我近一年的人生**,想成为一个像他一样的人。

斜杠过多王静* 2019-02-15

静静看完六集,心灵必要的鸡汤。Epicurus伊壁*鲁 ataraxia平静 Seneca是个患tuberculosis的抑郁症患者 Fortuna**

alone_forever 2019-01-19

The darkest thinkers can sometimes paradoxically be the most cheering. 大爱他对叔本华的评论~

NARUMI 2015-10-20

190603 将皮特森12rules及n1文法习惯建立后的想法: 皮特森与齐泽克都建议 幸福只是有意义生活的副产品! 2014-12-15标记。14-12-15终于看了。

七 仔 2013-09-11

挺101的series。alain可以换个outfit么。"philosophy as biography".

yesshen 2013-05-05

It's very interesting to see that even inside this series philosophers have all the arguments that are contradicting to each other. All emotions are self defined. We only recognize what we want to recognize.