
出浴 (1995)

  • 别名:出浴
  • 豆瓣评分:  6.1
  • 演员: Luna Incolle / Vincent Jamoulle / Cecilia Marum
  • 上映时间: 1995
  • 更新时间:
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出浴原名:Sortie de bain,又名出浴

A father waits for his wife, a resigned housewife, to prepare dinner. He sends his daughter to take a bath. In spite of her unwillingness, she submits to it anyway, but astonishment! Once in the water, she grows breasts… She does not dare to reveal her transformed body to her parents’ eyes! However, this sudden metamorphosis rejoices her amazed father, as well as her mother who...

发布于1995年。由弗洛伦斯·汉娜德执导,并且由编剧弗洛伦斯·汉娜德携幕后团队创作。集众多位Luna Incolle、Vincent Jamoulle、Cecilia Marum等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1995公映的电影。


第48届戛纳电影节:主竞赛单元 短片金棕榈奖(提名)。

时拂 2019-07-01

1.话中画 2.**** 3.削不完的皮

Vini_Kazma 2012-04-18

Just before supper, Daddy asks his young daughter to take her bath, which is not as easy as pie.

一小片 2011-08-31


布拉德野蛮 2011-05-18


勵帝或 2011-05-10


Payaso 2011-02-22

.....qu'est qu'ils veulent dire

tanblin 2010-09-24

又是法语无字幕短片,不过图画解释得很好,爸爸妈妈轮番催女孩去洗澡,威*利诱。女孩总是说水里有怪物?洗着洗着,女孩就发育了?妈妈很高兴,让女孩接替她削土豆? 就这样?

刘小黛 2010-01-15
