
伊朗电影起革命 (2007)

  • 别名:Iran: A Cinematographic Revolution / 伊朗電影搞革命
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 洛珊·班尼蒂玛 / 巴赫拉姆·拜扎伊 / 巴赫曼·戈巴迪 / Farokh Ghafari
  • 上映时间: 2007-03-25
  • 更新时间:
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伊朗电影起革命原名:L'Iran: une révolution cinématographique,又名Iran: A Cinematographic Revolution、伊朗電影搞革命

关于**新浪潮电影一代的纪录片,**ARTE出品DVD。  Today Iranian cinema is one of the most highly regarded national cinemas in the world, regularly winning festival awards and critical acclaim for films which combine remarkable artistry and social relevance. Iran: A Cinematographic Revolution traces the development of this film industry, which has always been closely intertwined with the country's t...

发布于2007年。由Nader T. Homayoun执导,并且由编剧纳德尔·霍马云、Nicolas Bertrand携幕后团队创作。集众多位洛珊·班尼蒂玛、巴赫拉姆·拜扎伊、巴赫曼·戈巴迪、Farokh Ghafari、Fereydun Gole等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2007-03-25公映的电影。

爷叫Laven 2022-04-07


Bricoleur 2021-09-14

Makhmabaf is so intelligent… Can listen to him talking all day. Cinema embodies a different meaning and significance in Iran from the West.

701 2017-10-19
