
阳光制造者 (2015)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Nick Sand / Tim Scully
  • 上映时间: 2015-11-16(纽约)
  • 更新时间:
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阳光制造者原名:The Sunshine Makers,

A real-life ‘Breaking Bad’ for the psychedelic set, THE SUNSHINE MAKERS reveals the fascinating, untold story of Nicholas Sand and Tim Scully, the unlikely duo at the heart of 1960s American drug counter-culture. United in a utopian mission to save the planet through the consciousness-raising power of ***, these underground chemists manufactured a massive amount of acid, includ...

发布于2015年。由Cosmo Feilding-Mellen执导,并且由编剧Connie Littlefield携幕后团队创作。集众多位Nick Sand、Tim Scully等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-11-16(纽约)公映的电影。

过客人 2023-02-26


Jodi 2022-05-08

土象重的两个天才(群星金牛Nick sand和群星**Tim scully)希望通过***这种物品作为催化剂来拯救世界。

小口喝大酒 2021-07-16

其实也没那么好 只谈理想 爱 灵性…不谈实际性的伤害毁灭 只是出于当局 权力 law… 这很棒 大部分人还是蠢蛋 要更强烈更强烈 而没有找到出口…但没关系…这里依然很糟但是被阻止了它变得更糟

Headstone_x 2020-05-26


lularaine 2020-02-05

this is what ******* is really about.it’s not about not being in chains it’s about not having your mind enslaved.

[已注销] 2019-11-03

还凑合的史料(八卦),然而只有叶子跟上了全球化的脚步。坐等一个william leonard pickard的纪录片

墨宇霖 2019-02-17

so convincing that I almost believe it...

我系小蜗牛 2019-02-16


Icy 2018-12-16

一个在**里读了** phd,一个在**里distribute acid然后repeal期出逃加拿大接着cook#turnontheworld

ॐ JX ॐ 2017-05-24

if anyone beat the ******,is Nick Sand. R.I.P sir!! You did turn on the world!! Thanks for everything!!!