
欧文.亚隆的心灵疗愈 (2014)

  • 别名:Yalom's Line / 欧文.亚隆的心灵疗癒
  • 豆瓣评分:  8.4
  • 演员: Irvin D. Yalom
  • 上映时间: 2014-08-09(洛迦诺电影节)
  • 更新时间:
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欧文.亚隆的心灵疗愈原名:Yalom’s Cure,又名Yalom's Line、欧文.亚隆的心灵疗癒

Bestselling author, popular scholar and existentialist Irvin D. Yalom is one of the most influential living psychotherapists. Dr. Yalom's books sold millions of copies worldwide and critics describe him as: mind-bending, stunning, inspiring, haunting, life-changing. This cinematic feature documentary by Sabine Gisiger is **** than a classic biography. Yalom takes the audience o...

发布于2014年。由Sabine Gisiger执导,并且由编剧Sabine Gisiger携幕后团队创作。集众多位Irvin D. Yalom等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2014-08-09(洛迦诺电影节)公映的电影。

999 ღ 2024-01-17


Meteor 2023-05-30

更像是亚隆的人生传记,对应着生命的礼物一书看更有感觉。提到了他和妻子的爱情故事、他的家庭背景、家庭生活,团体心理治疗和存在主义心理治疗提得反而少了些。“the idea is that you stand in love not fall in love.”重要的是两个人之间共有的回忆。作为纪录片来说空镜头未免太多啦

Diaspora 2021-06-25

看这部影片时刷到一个弹幕"恩爱的**有时对于孩子来说是一种悲伤"。影片的采访里亚隆的女儿被问到为什么父母的婚姻维持了一辈子而他们的四个孩子都**了时,他女儿的回答是 "i felt that maybe we changed a short little bit, so ** children were little bit **** important. We didn't put our marriage first, we put our career first, then we feel guilty for our children so we put our children and the marriage little bit further down"

杨浦小囡 2021-06-20


鹅丽莎 2020-03-10

"it's like welcome to the human race kind of feeling" thank you, Irvin.

一首LoveSong 2019-11-26

"我把你的一部分放在我的心里,它们改变了我,丰富了我,我会把这些再带给其他人"。 再见 玛丽莲 🌹 2019.11.26

liberte 2019-09-24

'No matter how close we try to relate to another person, there’s something, some ***** that can never be bridged.' 'Schopenhauer compared his various tyrannical drives to the sun, as these drives began to weaken and get less and less, the sun got dimmer, finally faded away, suddenly see the night stars and sky that he’d never really seen before'

Terminator 2019-09-12

如此温暖包容的人出生于这样的家庭 大概是天使

春眠不觉小辣椒 2017-09-28


口饭dex是奇葩 2016-05-29

纪录片 ***医生D. Yalom 全家总动员 真人出镜 童年 成年 婚姻 孩子 80岁的人还能潜水 身体真好 博士**结婚有60年 而他们的四个孩子却都有** 只有一个孩子做了心理医生 每个人都有自己的人生 看完后我是没被治愈