
向喀秋莎问好 (2013) 4

  • 别名:Privet ot Katyushi / 你好喀秋莎
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 蒂莫菲·特里布纳采夫 / 亚历山大·奥斯特犹科夫 / Aleksandr Efremov / Sergey Efremov
  • 上映时间: 2013-05-09(俄罗斯)
  • 更新时间: 07-01 19:56





向喀秋莎问好原名:Привет от Катюши,又名Privet ot Katyushi、你好喀秋莎

The ***** Patriotic War. During the retreat of parts of the Red Army, there was a transfer of secret weapons - the BM-13 Guards mortars, later called Katyushas. During the operation, one machine sank. To prevent it from falling into the hands of the enemy, a group of several masters of sports under the command of Alexander Ermakov is urgently forming and being thrown behind the...

发布于2013年。集众多位蒂莫菲·特里布纳采夫、亚历山大·奥斯特犹科夫、Aleksandr Efremov、Sergey Efremov、Anatoli Gushchin、Vitaliy Kotovitskiy、Mikhail Klimenko、Azamat Nigmanov、Polya Polyakova等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013-05-09(俄罗斯)公映的电视剧。

劳动 2018-06-07
