
X夫人:绝对的统治者 (1978)

  • 别名:Madame X: An Absolute Ruler
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 塔贝亚·布卢门谢因 / Roswitha Janz
  • 上映时间: 1978
  • 更新时间:
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X夫人:绝对的统治者原名:Madame X - Eine absolute Herrscherin,又名Madame X: An Absolute Ruler

Adventure and fun on the high seas awaits these oppressed women in the classic avant-garde film from Ulrike Ottinger. Adventure and fun on the high seas comes at a price for this band of stereotyped women, who answer a call to join Madame X on her ship Chinese Orlando and experience a life without rules and patriarchal tyranny. However old roles reassert themselves and the wome...

发布于1978年。由乌尔里克·奥廷格、塔贝亚·布卢门谢因执导,并且由编剧乌尔里克·奥廷格携幕后团队创作。集众多位塔贝亚·布卢门谢因、Roswitha Janz等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1978公映的电影。

nbpr 2024-01-29

Post politics and neuropsychological testing. The age-old oppression of woman made them willing instruments in the hands of Madame X, a narcissistically disturbed but charismatic personality whose insatiable lust for power escalated dramatically with the practically masochistic submission of the women. Very德味

东京**页 2023-02-02


卢** 2020-11-19

所谓camp 其实是kitsch - 女权思想没看出来...

[Deleted] 2019-06-24


V_Lachesis 2011-12-16

Without the costumes, it's just a flock of feminism symbols consuming your 2hrs and a half.

1 2011-01-09
