
我整个夏天都在柏林 (1994)

  • 别名:I Stayed in Berlin All Summer / I Stayed in Berlin During the Summer
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 1994
  • 更新时间:
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吾妹之幸 安格拉·夏娜莱克、迈克尔·梅尔坦斯 7.1
音乐 阿廖沙·施耐德、阿珈特·波尼茨 6.6




我整个夏天都在柏林原名:Ich bin den Sommer über in Berlin geblieben,又名I Stayed in Berlin All Summer、I Stayed in Berlin During the Summer

发布于1994年。由Angela Schanelec执导,并且由编剧安格拉·夏娜莱克携幕后团队创作。并于1994公映的电影。

星际密探 2023-10-15

一开始没啥意思的 只是夏娜莱克的声音真的好好听噢

断了气儿 2023-09-05

3.5夏娜莱克毕业作品 看下来就是几组对话和人物关系 似是她扮演的作家笔中人物。结尾那段对话想到《**天***的出版商。已可以窥见导演的一种视角和结构。还是一起去划船好。

谁砍倒了樱桃树 2023-01-12


YiQiao 2022-03-15

And it is how exactly she puts communication at stake--how she foregrounds the neoliberal imperative to communicate, which has encroached upon postunified Germany, and, thus, how we are affected by the role communication plays in her film--that renders her work political, as a counter-cinema, insofar as it renders affectively sensible how "speech and communication have been corrupted," as Deleuze argues. //Abel M. The Counter-Cinema of the Berlin School[M]. Boydell & Brewer, 2013:114.