
武侠骑士 (2012)

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热辣滚烫 贾玲、雷佳音 7.8
第二十条 雷佳音、马丽 7.6
学爸 10-14




武侠骑士原名:Wuxia Knight,

When a body turns up mysteriously on the roof of a Buddhist Temple, Chinatown Detective SONNY ****** is called to investigate, only to recognize the deceased as his estranged foster father and kung-fu teacher ****** CHEN. Hiding his conflict, Sonny stays on the case and follows the clues, confounded at every turn by mysterious circumstances. After getting a tip from RUN RUN, an...


JohnnyJee 2012-01-14

看导演是谁 如果只是对中国文化没了解的一般导演 估计只是满足外国影迷的猎奇心理......