
我爱的男人 (1947)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 艾达·卢皮诺 / 罗伯特·阿尔达 / 安德丽·金 / 玛塔·威克斯
  • 上映时间: 1947-01-11
  • 更新时间:
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我爱的男人原名:The Man I Love,

The film is best known today for Scorsese’s claims that it was his inspiration for New York, New York, but it’s not the plot that found its way into his film. It’s the shadowy culture of working class folks tangled in the post-war culture of seductive night life, of dive bars and the itinerate musicians and singers and underworld types who frequent them, and in the tough attitu...

发布于1947年。由拉乌尔·沃尔什执导,并且由编剧凯瑟琳·特尼、Jo Pagano携幕后团队创作。集众多位艾达·卢皮诺、罗伯特·阿尔达、安德丽·金、玛塔·威克斯、布鲁斯·班内特、艾伦·海尔等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1947-01-11公映的电影。

P.s I love you 2018-11-06

10/04/2018, Howard Gilman Theatre @NYFF. 每个角色的故事线都还算完整。

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