
温柔 (1967)

  • 别名:Nezhnost / Tenderness
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 罗迪昂·拿哈佩托夫 / 鲁斯塔姆·萨格杜拉耶夫 / 安娜斯塔西亚·维尔金斯卡娅 / Mariya Sternikova
  • 上映时间: 1967
  • 更新时间:
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忏悔 阿福坦迪尔·马哈拉泽、伊雅·尼尼泽 8.0
伊菲吉妮娅 艾琳·帕帕斯、Tatiana Papamoschou 8.4
红莓 09-28
学爸 10-14





In this three-part story by Uzbekistan director Elyer Ishmukhamedov. Two young men meet two young pretty women at a carnival in this coming-of-age drama. The quartet enjoys the festive atmosphere as they try to forget the horrors of the most recent war. On the brink of adulthood, the characters learn valuable lessons about their lives. Made in 1967, this feature won a Special A...

发布于1967年。由Elyer Ishmukhamedov执导,并且由编剧Odelsha Agishev携幕后团队创作。集众多位罗迪昂·拿哈佩托夫、鲁斯塔姆·萨格杜拉耶夫、安娜斯塔西亚·维尔金斯卡娅、Mariya Sternikova、Ravzhan Agzamov、M. Makhudova、Sayda Borodina等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1967公映的电影。

枳染 2023-10-17

"Let's break up." "Why?" "Because I can't leave you."

搵岑荷 2023-09-03

35mm good copy but bad 2003 eng. subtitles

是邓邓啊 2018-09-07


豆友1379431 2009-08-03

one of the 10 best uzbek films ever.