
万福玛丽亚 (1972)

  • 豆瓣评分:  8.2
  • 上映时间: 1972
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万福玛丽亚原名:Ave Maria,

Also known as “Against American Aggression in Vietnam,” this film is as anti-war as anti-American and portrays the Church as an actively malignant social influence. Underscored by Schubert’s “Ave Maria.” Ivanov-Vano, who worked as an animator on some of the animation films made in the 20s such as “China in Flames,” went on to ecome the USSR’s foremost director of animated...

发布于1972年。由Vladimir Danilyevich、伊万·伊万诺夫-瓦诺执导,并且由编剧伊万·伊万诺夫-瓦诺携幕后团队创作。并于1972公映的电影。


How far will she go before she's gone too far?Basada en 1000 historias reales. (Based on 1,000 true stories)

These pellets contain ******. Each weighs 10 grams. Each is 4.2 cm long and 1.4 cm wide. And they're on their way to New York in the stomach of a 17-year-old girl.Based on 1,000 true stories.

北之岚 2023-06-26

本片在imdb上只有6.1 看来美国人很不爽

佛尔摩飒 2022-04-08


小爱 2021-03-06


峰峰峰峰 2014-09-06


Eorl 2014-03-15


腐生 2014-02-16



好舒*地听音乐看短片,还有反战的意味 ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XMTExNzYxNDUy.html

Vini_Kazma 2012-04-05

“诗意美学”,曝光用得特别妙——**人庆祝的场面叠加在战火洗劫后的场景之上,强烈的反差,不禁让人心痛。Ari Folman的《和巴什尔跳华尔兹》最后的“十五秒真实影像”应该是学着这里的吧。开场**图、结尾的**圣婴、GOD。

妄想** 2011-02-18

请不要在后面制造噪音好咩 虽然我理解你是想制造效果 劳资还以为自己电脑坏了