
探索频道:古希腊七大奇观 (2004)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 约翰·斯拉普内尔
  • 更新时间:
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探索频道:古希腊七大奇观原名:Discovery: Seven Wonders of Ancient Greece,

Describes the construction and history of seven wonders of ancient Greece: Palace of Knossos, Oracle of Delphi, Theatre of Epidaurus, Colossus of Rhodes, birth of the Olympics, Lost **** of Atlantis, the Parthenon. Perspectives from scholars and other experts, along with virtual reality images and staged reenactments, return the viewer to the times of ancient splendors.

发布于2004年。由Chris Lethbridge执导,集众多位约翰·斯拉普内尔等著名实力派明星加盟。

Covfefe 2021-11-29


vacuity 2021-08-23

制片国家应该是英国。制片公司是伦敦的Atlantic Productions

amenegi 2017-03-02

西美课(那个研究了好多年圣托里尼岛火山爆发的爷爷Floyd McCoy好有爱....尤其是听其他专家讲话的时候头一点一点的

Irene 2014-03-16

#行前狂补# 1 The Parthenon, 2 Lost **** of Atlantis (Minoan civilization @Santorini)

天使轻飞521 2012-12-06
