
童子也是基 (2001)

  • 别名:童子军的荣耀
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Steven Cozza / David Rice / Tim Curran / James Dale
  • 上映时间: 2001-08-12
  • 更新时间:
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童子也是基原名:Scout's Honor,又名童子军的荣耀

Steven Cozza,13 years old,an enthusiastic and devoted Scout.Dave Rice,70 years old, heterosexual and dedicated to the Scouts.They were so upset by the boy Scouts of America's(BSA's) exclusion of gays that he began a small petition drive to overturn the policy in his hometown of Petaluma,California.As their work becomes **** national in prominence, the film documents their deepi...

发布于2001年。由Tom Shepard执导,并且由编剧Meg Moritz携幕后团队创作。集众多位Steven Cozza、David Rice、Tim Curran、James Dale等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2001-08-12公映的电影。

跳余烬者 2020-05-16

性取向这个问题在**中尤为特殊... 该片作为这种情况的一个折射,角度选得好

我最亲爱的小狗 2014-11-03

很久以前看的DVD...还是买播放机的时候商场送的碟子= =也是醉了

小舍 2009-11-18

一个不是同志的小孩,为了同志利益奔波,值得敬佩。 我们是不是更该努力呢?