
天使的对话 (1985)

  • 豆瓣评分:  7.3
  • 演员: Dave Baby / Timothy Burke / Simon Costin
  • 上映时间: 1985-02(柏林电影节)
  • 更新时间: 09-13 04:31



夜深沉,爱难吟 罗伯特·李·皮彻林恩、Walt Curtis 7.6
爱德华二世 史蒂芬·威丁顿、安德鲁·蒂曼 7.5
花园 10-01
学爸 10-14




天使的对话原名:The Angelic Conversation,


发布于1985年。由德里克·贾曼执导,并且由编剧德里克·贾曼、莎士比亚携幕后团队创作。集众多位Dave Baby、Timothy Burke、Simon Costin等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1985-02(柏林电影节)公映的电影。


This film is the archtypal Jarman movie. Jarman considered himself a painter **** than a film maker and thought of the camera as just an improvement on the brushes of the past. In this film he carries those concepts through to their fullest conclusion.The moody Voice-overs of Shakespeare sonnets by Dame Judy Dench add to the multi-layered portraits of two young men and their relationship. Jarman was going for a mood here and the narrative line is pretty sketchy but if you ever wondered what would happen if one of those Calvin Klein Obsession adverts were stretched to 80 minutes by a really talented film maker then this is the film for you.

It also occurred to me that given the very light story line that this might be a ***** background film to have playing amid a gathering of friends where the entire focus of the group was not on the film.

Q影誌 2023-07-26

Camera: Derek Jarman (电影片尾只显示Derek Jarman的名字,IMDb中制片人是另一位摄影师 )


很喜欢低帧率 亲密如同烟雾 疏离如同大海

苦路 2013-12-09


傻乐的猫 2013-12-04


墨里森 2011-11-21


水仙* 2011-10-13

迷醉,探寻,慢放,执念的流动,西西弗斯,阿多尼斯。Shakespeare & Calvin Klein 妄想以此思路拍一部魏晋**电影诗,玄心、洞见、妙赏、深情。

Helenhelen 2011-08-04

You'll understand what visual art truly is after you see this film

把球打到台子上 2011-03-05


佛米 2011-02-20

看不懂啊。。。。。【天使的对话 The Angelic Conversation (1985) t955e62804

媚水之珠 2009-02-27
