The Mighty Boosh Live: Future Sailors Tour在线观看和下载

The Mighty Boosh Live: Future Sailors Tour (2009)

  • 豆瓣评分:  9
  • 演员: Julian Barratt / Noel Fielding / Michael Fielding / Dave Brown
  • 上映时间: 2009-11-17
  • 更新时间:
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The Mighty Boosh Live: Future Sailors Tour

Are you ready to set sail into the future? Climb aboard HMS Boosh, hoist the perspex anchor, set the controls for the heart of the sun and come navigate the electrical seas with Cyborg Patrick and his Neon Barnacles.  In this live Boosh presentation you will see Howard wrestle with the problems of the universe in tiny shorts, while Vince gets his hair extra big and flounces abou...

发布于2009年。由Paul King执导,集众多位Julian Barratt、Noel Fielding、Michael Fielding、Dave Brown、Rich Fulcher等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2009-11-17公映的电影。

PepsiPussy 2018-08-03

津巴大选公布夜 跟着所有守在Rainbow Towers或是电脑直播前的同胞一样 我也等着没睡 但是他们在等大选结果 我在看这群先锋10年前的作品 艺术比政治重要

siju 2013-04-09

啊啊啊!真是再也不会有像Noel和Julian这样的好**了,一起乱七八糟胡思乱想,Moon脸这个idea真是无可匹敌 Live show真是赞到爆。

Olgabesmart 2012-08-23

没有字幕 看起来好吃力。。。爱死结尾的摇滚欧巴桑装了~!!!!!!

阿芋 2012-02-12

JuJu的啤酒肚真是不能看啊!"Okay, well, I'll come around Tuesday evening. I'm gonna nail your ***. ""What, you're gonna bum me as well? "

Hey Johnny 2012-01-20


下辈子再努力吧 2011-12-04


仨门儿 2011-10-16


流星ヘブン 2011-05-24

昨晚做梦被关进**动物园里了...梦里Bob Fossil大人好像还帮我来着=。= 【Manchester】

三七 2011-05-19


mona其实在阴笑 2011-05-18
