
普通奉献的要求 (2022)

  • 别名:自在弗居之錄(港)
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2022-04-10(瑞士真实影展)
  • 更新时间:
八戒共享 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!





普通奉献的要求原名:The Demands of Ordinary Devotion,又名自在弗居之錄(港)

The Demands of Ordinary Devotion is a meditation on care and love, a beautiful riddle of shapes and gestures where creation and labour are playfully celebrated. Shot in majestic 16mm and featuring creators of different kinds – a ceramist, a mother-to-be, a carpenter, a film director – Eva Giolo’s new opus is a much-needed gem of beauty and freshness.

发布于2022年。由Eva Giolo执导,并于2022-04-10(瑞士真实影展)公映的电影。

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btr 2023-04-02

#HKIFF 反思母职的轻盈、灵动的版本。意象在跳跃和反复之间,也就是在「非日常」和「日常」之间撕扯。