特别响,非常近 第一季在线观看和下载

特别响,非常近 第一季 (2012)

  • 别名:Fast and Loud
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 更新时间:
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《特别响,非常近 第一季》剧情内容介绍

《特别响,非常近 第一季》在线观看和下载


特别响,非常近 第一季原名:Fast N' Loud Season 1,又名Fast and Loud

These guys cruise for the classics. Meet self-described petrol-sexual motorhead Richard Rawlings and mechanical prodigy Aaron Kaufmann as they search far-flung corners of the country for forgotten and derelict classic cars to restore at their Gas Monkey Garage. Heaps of rust are transformed into gleaming road warriors and sold to the top bidder.


*** Katze 2018-12-31

gas monkey. 那个技工长曾出现在疯狂**车节目节目。