
神秘博士2017圣诞特别篇 (2017)

  • 别名:Twice Upon A Time / Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time
  • 豆瓣评分:  8.4
  • 演员: 彼得·卡帕尔迪 / 大卫·布拉德利 / 马克·加蒂斯 / 珀尔·麦基
  • 上映时间: 2017-12-25(英国)
  • 更新时间: 06-01 13:36





神秘博士2017圣诞特别篇原名:Doctor Who 2017 Christmas Special,又名Twice Upon A Time、Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time

Peter Capaldi’s final episode of Doctor Who this Christmas will feature Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts and be called Twice Upon a Time, it was revealed this evening (23 July) during a cast panel at San Diego Comic Con. Viewers will have to wait until Christmas to discover exactly how Bill, who will appear throughout the episode, makes her return.


rache 2019-02-19

It'a not an episode. It takes an episode's time to say farewell to the 12th, which is always worthwhile and I really appreciate it. We have already witnessed three seasons new stories about 12th and why not, for once, for the last time, look back and solve those unsolved, remember those forgotten. Bill says it right: letting go of the doctor is so, so hard. So, always try to be nice, and never fail to be kind. Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind. Doctor, I let you go.

欧阳名 2017-12-27


文什么森特 2017-12-27

实际只想打一星 从此魔法特一生黑 从粉转路人再转黑 魔法特你自己不要脸真的不能怨别人 12的结局诶 这可是12的结局诶! 12C的记忆啊! 那是45亿年的记忆啊! 说没就没 说有就有? 气的我 12重生前的最后一席话都不觉得感动了 莫法特再见 再见再见再见!

坐等1900 2017-12-26

虽然士兵们唱着圣诞歌停战的梗很老 但这确实是圣诞节的正确打开方式 the Doctor of the war, run fast and be kind 再见12 那个无论何时都对宇宙温柔以待的Doctor 不忘初心 不忘善良 这是DW教给我的人生态度

Raison d'Être 2017-12-26

看得自己情绪最激动的一集。Clara那段真心没想到。戒指滑落时哭得更厉害。20211224平安夜和妈再看,结尾**暴击。hate is always foolish. Love is always wise. Be kind. 再看看当下这个社会被统治地支离破碎,人都不再是人了。

CharlesChou 2017-12-26

大idea泪点完全输给网易云音乐;克拉拉真的是魔法特死命cling to的自我投***们说魔法特让女司机上来就car accident是不是故意的;不管怎么说明年是真的翻篇了,撒花鼓掌期待!!!

Chaichai 2017-12-26


石板 2017-12-26

喜迎十三姨,希望下一季能扭转这几年剧情的疲态 ★★★☆

SundanceKid🌈 2017-12-26

认识博士以后最难的一件事,在于和他告别。Merry Christmas, Doctor!冻结和延续,心爱的人还魂,**上的圣诞节,情节过于命题作文了。十三姨,be kind, be brilliant!

早相 2017-12-26

“Laugh hard,run fast,be kind. Doctor,I let you go. ” Letting go of the Doctor is so hard. 自10th重生后最难过的一次,很难接受13th了。