

  • 别名:La maladie de la mort / The Malady of Death
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 彼得·汉德克 / Marie Colbin
  • 上映时间: 1985
  • 更新时间:
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死亡之病原名:Das Mal des Todes,又名La maladie de la mort、The Malady of Death

A beautiful, nameless woman is hired to spend several days and nights with a man in his apartment. Not only does he want to sleep with her, but he is obsessed with the desire to look at her naked body. A philosophical dialogue develops between the man who relates his thoughts and writes them down and the woman who explains to him the causes of his 'lethal sickness'. After the w...

彼得·汉德克执导,并且由编剧玛格丽特·杜拉斯、彼得·汉德克携幕后团队创作。集众多位彼得·汉德克、Marie Colbin等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1985公映的电影。

Trillian 2019-04-19

电视电影,1985年戛纳一种关注,戛纳真的蛮爱Peter,左撇子***在主竞赛。 https://***.***********/watch?v=zaxfYlDWfPU&list=PLBF0AC68F8DDCF8C6&index=1