
双生姐妹 (2015)

  • 别名:孪生姐妹花(台)
  • 豆瓣评分:  7.8
  • 演员: Samantha Futerman / Anais Bordier
  • 上映时间: 2015-07-17(美国)
  • 更新时间: 06-21 12:57






On February 21, 2013, Samantha, an American actor living in Los Angeles, received a message via ******** that would drastically change her life. It was from Anaïs, a French fashion design student living in London. Anaïs' friends viewed a video on ******* featuring Samantha. They were immediately blown away by the identical appearance of Samantha & Anaïs. After a few light Googl...

发布于2015年。由Samantha Futerman、Ryan Miyamoto执导,并且由编剧Samantha Futerman携幕后团队创作。集众多位Samantha Futerman、Anais Bordier等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-07-17(美国)公映的电影。

decidels 2021-06-28


LoudCrazyHeart 2020-09-03


{莫热} 2018-06-14


Chery 2017-08-14

两生花~ 在遥远世界的彼端还有另外一个我

stanza 2017-01-03

兩人相當不同, 歐洲的A有種難搞但迷人的氣質, 美國的S則充滿力量的感覺.但一起長大的雙胞胎也是相當不同, 基因真奇妙, 想知道有沒有變得差異超大的同卵雙胞胎

半目 2016-11-27

惊讶于剪辑的方式和镜头的选择。太过习惯于信息主导,场景主导的功利性剪辑方式,忘记感觉的重要性,Less is ****,有时候一个眼神传达出的信息远胜于一个场景和十句interview。 没有直白的去谈论大道理以及人性和内心的纠葛,但这些却都存在,关于爱、家庭和成长,也让人反思如何面对生活如何感恩。

i__c 2016-03-10

It was **** about feelings, how happy these two girls are when they met each other, but I would rather to see how different or how similar they are... Well.. I expected too much..

海上飞来丘比特 2016-02-20

A news story, quite boring, losing the arch middle way through. And cinematography is so bad, omg, couldn't you get a tripod for these landscape shots?!

南半球的老太太 2016-01-24


salty 2015-11-27

就。。是我太不accepting了吗 大概是没有亲身经历过就根本无法理解的感受吧 就觉得isnt it really that much of a big deal?