
瑞亚博钦斯卡就这样死了 (1956)

  • 别名:And So Died Riabouchinska
  • 豆瓣评分:  7
  • 演员: Claude Rains / Charles Bronson / Claire Carleton
  • 上映时间: 1956-02-12
  • 更新时间:
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瑞亚博钦斯卡就这样死了原名:"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" And So Died Riabouchinska,又名And So Died Riabouchinska

A dead man is found in the basement of a theater, and a detective comes to investigate. He learn that the deceased had been seen near the theater asking for Fabian, the ventriloquist. As the detective questions Fabian in his dressing room, a voice comes from the box in which Fabian's female dummy is stored. When the dummy, Riabouchinska, continues to talk, the detective is anno...

发布于1956年。由Robert Stevenson执导,并且由编剧Mel Dinelli、Ray Bradbury携幕后团队创作。集众多位Claude Rains、Charles Bronson、Claire Carleton等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1956-02-12公映的电影。

ReMinD 2024-02-23

人偶元素很适合制造悬疑感。 和人偶的独白引出最后的谜底。

Badula 2022-12-06

S01E20 好诡异!这是标准精分了吧

虎珀鱼 2021-07-31


woniu2048 2019-04-06


以好不以新 2018-11-07

《希区柯克剧场》S01E20《And So Died Riabouchinska》三星。看第一季到现在最动情的一集了吧,不疯魔不成活,凶案的背后是一场指令破碎的梦。

Indecent time 2018-08-18

希区柯克说:“管家杀的人”,管家** ***!这一集题材比较新颖,走的是另一种形式的精神**,男主是《美人计》里的大反派,最后真相段落很看演技

世八帅唯一老公 2017-05-10

希胖知不知道他开头的“剧透”可能会造成反效果的?Dead Of Night里也有类似段落

纸风筱龙 2015-12-15


db_mbq 2012-03-02


鬼腳七 2011-08-01
