
群神会 (1950)

  • 别名:Council of the Gods
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Paul Bildt / Fritz Tillmann / Willy A. Kleinau / Hans-Georg Rudolph
  • 上映时间: 1950-05-12(东德)
  • 更新时间:
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群神会原名:Der Rat der Götter,又名Council of the Gods

"Two main protagonists dominate this epic film. Chairman Mauch, who had supported Hitler, finds new fame and fortune in West Germany after the war. The bourgeois chemist Dr. Hans Scholz lives through a tortuous political transformation and maturing process. Finally, he becomes wrapped up in his political neutrality and closes his eyes to the fact that poison is being produced i...

发布于1950年。由Kurt Maetzig执导,并且由编剧Philipp Gecht、Friedrich Wolf携幕后团队创作。集众多位Paul Bildt、Fritz Tillmann、Willy A. Kleinau、Hans-Georg Rudolph、Albert Garbe、Helmuth Hinzelmann、Inge Keller、Yvonne Merin等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1950-05-12(东德)公映的电影。

忽如一夜春风来 2023-06-30


玄〔已注销〕 2023-05-12


瞄一瞄中了 2023-03-05


未命名 2023-02-26


二战电影馆 2020-05-24

中央电影局东北电影制片厂 1952年译制。 二战爆发前夕,德国***积极进行着备战**,