冥想中的幻象 #3:柏拉图的洞穴在线观看和下载

冥想中的幻象 #3:柏拉图的洞穴 (1990)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 1990
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《冥想中的幻象 #3:柏拉图的洞穴》在线观看和下载


冥想中的幻象 #3:柏拉图的洞穴原名:Visions in Meditation #3: Plato's Cave,


[己注销] 2021-03-29


Cal 2020-08-02

presenting a “democratic landscape,” one in which images of earth, water, sky, structures of human creation, and human and animal life might coexist in a nonhierarchical equality of presence—a weave of light experienced as rhythms of mind, poised in the balance of thought, envisioned “as in a dream.”