
摩萨德101 (2015)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 耶和达·勒维 / 汉娜·拉斯洛 / 伊泰·提伦 / 萨西·阿莱维
  • 上映时间: 2015-10-31(以色列)
  • 更新时间:
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摩萨德101原名:Mossad 101,

The series revolves around a secret Mossad compound called 'HaMidrasha', which is surrounded by surveillance cameras and is equipped with technological devices. The compound operates a training course in which 13 trainees are sent to complicated missions in order to **** their suitability for the occupation, and their improvisation, seduction and impersonation abilities. Yonna,...

发布于2015年。由Daniel Syrkin执导,并且由编剧丹尼尔·锡尔金、Izhar Harlev携幕后团队创作。集众多位耶和达·勒维、汉娜·拉斯洛、伊泰·提伦、萨西·阿莱维、耶霍拉姆·加翁、阿基·阿维尼、奥默·巴尼亚、加尔·托伦、亚伯拉罕·切莱克塔尔、Liron Vaisman、Yaniv Biton、Shmuel Vilozni、希萨姆·奥马里、Michael Koresh、Zach Cohen等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-10-31(以色列)公映的电视剧。

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