
迷情感觉 (1980)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 乔治·伊斯特曼 / 迪尔切·富纳里 / Annj Goren / Mark Shannon
  • 上映时间: 1980-08-10(意大利)
  • 更新时间:
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迷情感觉原名:Hard Sensation,

Three escaped convicts hide out on an island with **** girls along with their two body guards who are enjoying there vacation... until the three escaped convects show up and kill the two body guards. The women then are forced to have *** with the men. To make matters worse all of the women are virgins. But one of the men decides who is the "good" man in the bunch decides to hel...

发布于1980年。由乔·达马托执导,并且由编剧乔治·伊斯特曼携幕后团队创作。集众多位乔治·伊斯特曼、迪尔切·富纳里、Annj Goren、Mark Shannon、Lucia Ramirez等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1980-08-10(意大利)公映的电影。

Lament 2022-02-24


*火蟲 2021-09-10

三个男的就那个最老的在啪 还有一个被*着p啥都冇露 😒

decidels 2015-11-04


八日水 2013-11-20

三个逃犯来到一个小岛 岛上有几个女孩及保镖度假 逃犯**保镖 强迫和几个女孩XX 后来女孩们反抗并**了逃犯......