
迷魂药公司 (1981)

  • 别名:Ecstasy Inc
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 克莉丝汀·洛黛 / 帕特丽齐娅·高里 / 玛丽莲·杰斯 / Magali Pell
  • 上映时间: 1981-05-14(芬兰) / 1981-09-14(瑞典)
  • 更新时间:
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突破点 Andreas Bellis、Barbara Scott
远景山谷 杰茜·圣杰姆斯、约翰·莱斯利
挑逗 04-12




迷魂药公司原名:Ta' mej doktorn,又名Ecstasy Inc

A couple has a very open marriage allowing for both of them to enjoy *** with additional partners, but seemingly only women. Professor Rasputin, the husband, really loves to find hot young women and have *** with them and his wife in threesome fashion. Eventually, him and the wife turn their lovemaking into a business where the Prof poses as a *** doctor with the wife as his as...

发布于1981年。由Andrei Feher、热拉尔·格雷戈里执导,并且由编剧Andrei Feher携幕后团队创作。集众多位克莉丝汀·洛黛、帕特丽齐娅·高里、玛丽莲·杰斯、Magali Pell、Marina Delestrade、Hubert Géral、Christine Béton、Eva Bestucci、Chris Regan等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1981-05-14(芬兰),1981-09-14(瑞典)公映的电影。

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********,优秀,女演员比较多,颜值都比较高,两个版本,软版85分钟,硬版82分钟(内无源) 搜名Le professeur Raspoutine(**版)

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