
M就是凶手 (2019)

  • 别名:M - A City Hunts a Murderer
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 拉斯·艾丁格 / Sarah Viktoria Frick / Verena Altenberger / Christian Dolezal
  • 上映时间: 2019-02-23(德国)
  • 更新时间:
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M就是凶手原名:M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder,又名M - A City Hunts a Murderer

Winter in Vienna. Children disappear. For now without a trace, then their bodies are found. A gift for the tabloid press. For the police a series of defeats. Politically a problem. And at the same time the long-awaited opportunity for the ambitious interior minister. The organized crime is in trouble. The child murderer must be found so that all other dirty jobs can go on.

发布于2019年。由David Schalko执导,集众多位拉斯·艾丁格、Sarah Viktoria Frick、Verena Altenberger、Christian Dolezal、Gerhard Liebmann等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2019-02-23(德国)公映的电视剧。

👟 2021-08-18

翻牌得还行…放在现代剧确实有那么点意思 结局还是开放式的,但把原来的重点转移了 人物关系太复杂,想要放在6集里讲清楚真是狮子大开口