美国偶像 第九季在线观看和下载

美国偶像 第九季 (2010)

  • 别名:美国偶像 第9季 / American Idol: The Search for a Superstar
  • 豆瓣评分:  7
  • 演员: 瑞安·西克莱斯特 / 西蒙·考威尔 / 卡拉·迪奥伽迪 / 兰迪·杰克逊
  • 上映时间: 2010-01-12(美国)
  • 更新时间:
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美国偶像 第九季原名:American Idol Season 9,又名美国偶像 第9季、American Idol: The Search for a Superstar

The ninth season of American Idol will premiere on January 12, 2010 on Fox.Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson and Kara DioGuardi will all return as judges, and Ellen DeGeneres will permanently replace Paula Abdul as the fourth judge.Idol Gives Back will also return this season and will be held on April 21, 2010 during the top 7 results show.The top 24 semi-finals format used in season...


可乐杨 2011-10-18


狷介有乌青 2010-05-28


YoungYoungYoung 2010-05-27


TORO VAN DARKO 2010-05-27


yolanta 2010-04-06


Ck 2010-03-22

Simon <3 ...but I'm done with this season, I just don't care about any contestant's performance, not even ** early fave Andrew Garcia.

Dolan 2010-02-19

这季的亮点真多!didi,big mike,都很抢眼。

Charles 2010-01-30

看了两集 没意思 还是看最后决赛吧