
赖奇克1950-1953年:匈牙利人民共和国秘密劳动营纪事 (1989)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 1988
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赖奇克1950-1953年:匈牙利人民共和国秘密劳动营纪事原名:Recsk 1950-1953, egy titkos kényszermunkatábor története,

This European Film Award winner documentary tells the story of Recsk, Hungary's mos t notorious political prison camp, which operated between 1950 and 1953. During the early 1950's the very existence of this camp for political prisoners at Recsk was one of the Hungarian communist regime's deepest secrets. Hundreds of people were taken there without ever actually being sentenced...

发布于1989年。由Géza Böszörményi、Lívia Gyarmathy执导,并于1988公映的电影。

熊仔俠 2015-12-09


豆友1379431 2009-08-31

tvrip via dc++, hungarian hub. 230 mins, b/w 匈牙利影史百佳系列。