灵异档案 试播集在线观看和下载

灵异档案 试播集 (2007)

  • 豆瓣评分:  7.8
  • 演员: Paul Blackthorne / Valerie Cruz / Terrence Mann / Raoul Bhaneja
  • 上映时间: 2007-01-21
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灵异档案 试播集原名:The Dresden Files: Birds of a Feather,

The Pilot Episode, we are introduced to Harry Dresden, a resident Wizard who helps the Chicago Police solve mysterious crimes and protects ******* from the evil supernatural forces that surround us. A young boy comes to Harry looking for **** and Harry eventually realizes that a Skinwalker, a demon that rips the flesh of its victims and takes their identity, is after the little...

发布于2007年。由David Carson、Michael Robison执导,并且由编剧Jim Butcher携幕后团队创作。集众多位Paul Blackthorne、Valerie Cruz、Terrence Mann、Raoul Bhaneja、Daniel Kash、Jonathan Higgins、Matthew Knight等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2007-01-21公映的电影。

瓜瓜国王 2015-04-07


zonsilver 2013-03-27

奇幻好剧 可惜没后续了 男猪不错 女猪残了

solidaire 2007-04-27
