
罗伯特·劳森伯格:波普艺术先驱 (2016)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 阿拉斯泰尔·苏克
  • 上映时间: 2016-12-10(英国)
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罗伯特·劳森伯格:波普艺术先驱原名:Robert Rauschenberg Pop Art Pioneer,

Alastair Sooke celebrates the protean genius of one of America's most prolific and original artists, Robert Rauschenberg. Fearless and influential, he blazed a trail for artists in the second half of the 20th century, and yet his work is rarely seen here in the UK. That is about to change with a major retrospective at Tate Modern in December 2016.  Rauschenberg was the first art...

发布于2016年。由Kate Misrahi执导,集众多位阿拉斯泰尔·苏克等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2016-12-10(英国)公映的电影。

fff勒内 2021-02-05

Chrisma。“He sees the world as a canvas”。对艺术目标始终清醒的自知,终生跨界与突破的努力,成为perceptual machine的使命感:**canon的虽然都是早中期作品,可反倒是搬到captiva后,艺术家的人格才愈发完满夺目。比起**艺术,反而是跨领域/activist实践更发人深思,正如Roci的关切是“为当地人创造作品”。pop art/neo avant-garde远远无法概括他的艺术生命实践。又:是真的第一眼就沦陷在他的笑里了。He is incredible, and gorgeous, in every way. #人生之光

Entzauberung 2020-12-05


wywywywy 2020-11-11


TyGao 2020-01-07


didi_wu 2019-07-17


Ness 2019-05-03

It's such a good thing to learn what Rauschenberg had done. He was so flamboyant and creative. "So much of the work we see today has its roots in things that Rauschenberg did. Every corner of his work can be mined and used by younger artists as a starting point or as an opening point. He opened everything up. He opened the world up."

舜华X 2018-08-13

Rauschenberg、Cy Tombly、Japers Johns 同志间的故事。。。

怪味豆 2017-05-27

昨天看了他的MoMA个人回顾展 太棒了

有猫 2017-05-17


E 2017-01-11

太棒!! 黑山學院的時光真是令人嚮往,講到ROCI的時候有一些當時的紀錄影像,最後大家懷念勞申伯格的部分太煽情了,Donald Saff 的那段話真美。