
梦的光线 (2022)

  • 别名:The Light of The Dreams
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2022-03-15(巴黎真实影展)
  • 更新时间:
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伪装 玛格丽塔·莫菲诺、Gustavo Guoglielmi
停电 03-14
插曲 04-01
学爸 10-14




梦的光线原名:La lumière des rêves,又名The Light of The Dreams

Michel Jouvet, known worldwide since 1959 for his discovery of paradoxical sleep, dives in the twilight of his life in his notebooks of dreams, drawings and research. An abundant material which gradually animates an intimate portrait of this neurobiologist, oneirologist convinced that the dreams are the guardians of the singularity of our identity.

发布于2022年。由Marie-Pierre Brêtas执导,并于2022-03-15(巴黎真实影展)公映的电影。

胤祥 2022-03-21

#44th Ciné** du réel# **竞赛。画梦(好多**……)的神经生理学家Michel Jouvet的档案和口述,勾连起二战的历史。