
克里斯·洛克:更黑更暴力 (1999)

  • 别名:克里斯脱口秀之更大更嘿
  • 豆瓣评分:  8.5
  • 演员: 克里斯·洛克 / 艾斯·库珀 / 斯里克·瑞克 / 道格·E·弗雷殊
  • 上映时间: 1999
  • 更新时间:
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克里斯·洛克:更黑更暴力原名:Chris Rock: Bigger & Blacker,又名克里斯脱口秀之更大更嘿

Chris Rock brings his critically acclaimed brand of social commentary-themed humor to this 1999 standup comedy presentation from ***. Also released as an album, Chris Rock: Bigger & Blacker features Rock on-stage extolling his razor-sharp wit and wisdom on such topics as gun control, President Clinton, homophobia, racism, black leaders, and relationships.

发布于1999年。由基斯·楚斯戴尔执导,并且由编剧克里斯·洛克携幕后团队创作。集众多位克里斯·洛克、艾斯·库珀、斯里克·瑞克、道格·E·弗雷殊、蒙特里亚·爱薇、霍拉提奥·桑斯、旺达·塞克丝、D. Life等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1999公映的电影。

老周 2022-10-28


Mr. Infamous 2018-12-31


叮叮猫儿 2018-11-12

存在硬盘里好几年了终于翻出来看完了 超精彩!bullet control-if every bullet costs $5000, no **** innocent bystanders; women need to hear compliments all the time. women need food, water and compliment哈哈哈a man is basically faithfully as his options;Clinton的段子Hillary的fault什么的no likey;nobody got it worse than american indian;if white ppl are losing, who is winning? hide porno-left it in the vcr; talk too much到有一天发现说的所有话都听过 哎

托尼·王大拿 2017-12-25


XD|醒来。你在。 2014-03-03

feed me **** me shut the **** up

了了 2013-04-12


Cy钰 2013-02-22


薄荷辣椒酱 2013-01-03


L.C. 2012-11-18


手抓蛋 2012-11-14

伴随整个中学生活的Everybody Hates Chris高出喜剧同僚们一大截啊,第一次看他的脱口秀,果然无下限!