
凯文·卡特之死 (2004)

  • 别名:The Death of Kevin Carter: Casualty of the Bang Bang Club
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2004-09-18
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凯文·卡特之死原名:The Life of Kevin Carter,又名The Death of Kevin Carter: Casualty of the Bang Bang Club

Runtime:USA/27 min  In 1994, a South African photojournalist received the Pulitzer Prize for his picture of a starving girl stalked by a vulture. Weeks later, he carried out a terrible, desperate act--an act that embodied the anguish of an entire nation.

发布于2004年。由Dan Krauss执导,并于2004-09-18公映的电影。



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In 1994, a South African photojournalist received the Pulitzer Prize for his picture of a starving girl stalked by a vulture. Weeks later, he carried out a terrible, desperate act--an act that embodied the anguish of an entire nation.

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