
经典专辑《Nevermind》 (2005)

  • 豆瓣评分:  9
  • 演员: Kurt Cobain / Chris Novoselic / Dave Grohl / Butch Vig
  • 上映时间: 2005
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经典专辑《Nevermind》原名:Classic Albums: Nirvana - Nevermind,

There possibly isn't an album in history that is as genre defining as NIRVANA's "Nevermind." Released in 1991, it single-handedly was responsible for the birth of what became to be known as grunge and has gone on to sell over 8 million copies in the US alone.  "Nevermind" was the second album from the Seattle trio and the first on the DGC label (it's predecessor "Bleach" was rel...

发布于2005年。由鲍勃·斯米顿执导,并且由编剧Bob Smeaton携幕后团队创作。集众多位Kurt Cobain、Chris Novoselic、Dave Grohl、Butch Vig等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2005公映的电影。

aaron 2019-08-07


xixi嘻嘻 2014-01-11

2013.9 我记得是2012年就下了一直没有看,终于找时间认真地看完了,了解了nevermind这张经典专辑也爱上了他爱上nirvana

LostCat 2013-10-02

I'm not gifted with the talent to analyze music based on its objective quality. I've always been judging music on a vague standard of "sounds good to me" or "well, that sounds weird". I put much emphasis on the dedication the musicians put into their music and their sincerity.

Novan 2013-09-14

**!!这绝对是全世界摇得最滚的乐队了!!Kurt 不是先知不是神,但他让所有人都感觉到自己就***站在了宇宙中心!

粵語殘片 2013-04-19


Kian 2013-02-16

看过《经典专辑《Nevermind》》:我能给十星么.. 不是给片子,不是给Nevermind,也不是给Nirvana,给Kurt. 美国这个**的国度,赶走了Michael,又害死了Kurt. 我讨厌唯利是图惺惺作假的美国人.

薛定谔的毛 2012-10-11


一根槑毛 2012-06-02

I hear a sense of purety and honesty that I haven't heard in a long time.||I really love Dave Grohol!!PS英语好真是太棒了!!

小强强 2010-02-27


brocceli 2009-05-01
