
吉布利尔 (2018)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Susanna Abdulmajid / Malik Blumenthal / Doua Rahal
  • 上映时间: 2018-02(德国)
  • 更新时间:
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欲杀教师 罗米娜·里奇、拉斐尔·菲洛
真人秀 亚当·里夫金、Kelley Menighan Hensley
Nylon 12-01
学爸 10-14





At a *****, Maryam and Jibril exchange glances. Years later, Maryam happens to meet the same young man again when she is asked to deliver a parcel to someone in prison. The recipient is none other than Jibril, who is serving a sentence of several years. The attraction between this single mother-of-three and the inmate is just as strong as it was when they first met. Maryam plun...

发布于2018年。由亨丽卡·蔻尔执导,并且由编剧亨丽卡·蔻尔携幕后团队创作。集众多位Susanna Abdulmajid、Malik Blumenthal、Doua Rahal等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2018-02(德国)公映的电影。