
皇宫儿童派对 (2006)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 凯西·艾因斯沃斯 / 马特·贝克 / Sam Aston
  • 上映时间: 2006-06-25
  • 更新时间:
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皇宫儿童派对原名:The Children's Party at the Palace,

The Children's ***** at the Palace was an ***** held at Buckingham Palace Garden on 25 June 2006 in honour of the 80th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. The *****, which had the theme British children's literature, was attended by 2,000 children and 1,000 adults who were chosen through a national ballot. On arrival all guests received a purple hamper with snacks put together by J...

发布于2006年。由Claire Popplewell、Ben Warwick执导,并且由编剧David Wood携幕后团队创作。集众多位凯西·艾因斯沃斯、马特·贝克、Sam Aston等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2006-06-25公映的电影。

waterbottle250 2012-01-12

挺好玩的,呃,魔法的力量已经波及到了女王和Prime Minister了...

小锡兵 2009-08-04

看到好多熟脸 = = 表演串烧,就像个露天剧场一样。。。