High Tech Soul在线观看和下载

High Tech Soul (2006)

  • 别名:The Creation of Techno Music
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Carl Craig / Richie Hawtin / Derrick May
  • 上映时间: 2006-07-31
  • 更新时间:
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High Tech Soul又名The Creation of Techno Music

HIGH TECH SOUL is the first documentary to tackle the deep roots of techno music alongside the cultural history of Detroit, its birthplace. From the race riots of 1967 to the underground ***** scene of the late 1980s, Detroit's economic downturn didn't stop the invention of a new kind of music that brought international attention to its producers and their hometown. Featuring i...

发布于2006年。由Gary Bredow、Juan Atkins执导,集众多位Carl Craig、Richie Hawtin、Derrick May等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2006-07-31公映的电影。

溜溜溜 2024-04-25

Detroit三大样:freshwater,salt and techno!

Heyyyo 2023-06-23

Techno起源于底特律又扎根柏林,that makes sense.

蔼蔼浮浮 2016-01-31


舊浪潮 2013-06-06


Olson 2007-12-03
