
汉尼伯教授 (1956)

  • 别名:Professor Hannibal / 汉尼巴先生
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Noémi Apor / Ernö Szabó / Emmi Buttykay
  • 上映时间: 1956-10-18(匈牙利)
  • 更新时间:
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一九五一年的欧洲 英格丽·褒曼、亚历山大·诺克斯 8.0
快乐的吉普赛人 贝基姆·费赫米乌、奥利韦拉·卡塔琳娜 7.4
轻取 08-14
制暴 01-04
学爸 10-14




汉尼伯教授原名:Hannibál tanár úr,又名Professor Hannibal、汉尼巴先生

This is the story of a school teacher who becomes a mementary **** after having rescued a stuffed-bird from a school incident! In essence, he is the prototype of the small and insignificant man and this fact is to be generalized even by his name (Nyul - meaning "rabbit"- Bela). When he sees his name written on the walls as all insignificant spiritual leader, who must go, we kno...

发布于1956年。由佐顿·法布里执导,集众多位Noémi Apor、Ernö Szabó、Emmi Buttykay等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1956-10-18(匈牙利)公映的电影。

Pабинович 2023-05-17

Tragikomédia, az emberség erőszakossága.

安德森 2022-11-09

1、看了个英字,囫囵吞枣地看完了。片名里的hannibal 就是那位迦太基名将。2、看的时候总想起茨威格笔下的欧洲。3、**军礼已经开始流行。

杨小槑 2022-06-07


∂/∂v 2022-05-24


Sophieven 2022-01-09

What's outstanding today is how the women are completely archetypes with no complexity, barely a line or dialogue. The sociopolitical context of facism and communism (and their intersection) is self-explanatory until the point when it's referential to the lived experiences of Hungarians. Hope to rewatch it with ** Hungarian partner.

暂时被** 2020-09-02

50年代匈牙利电影。“解冻时期”电影(1954-1957)。佐尔坦 法布里。对21年右翼统治时期的匈牙利进行了讽刺性的探究。无资源

杨浦小囡 2018-10-02


只抓住6个 2014-05-04


侯建冬 2010-07-30
