
鼓童 (1985)

  • 别名:关于马勒音乐中犹太特点的研究
  • 豆瓣评分:  9.2
  • 演员: Janet Baker / Christa Ludwig / Edith Mathis / Lucia Popp
  • 更新时间:
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鼓童原名:Little Drummer Boy: An Essay on Gustav Mahler,又名关于马勒音乐中犹太特点的研究

Engrossing video essay by Leonard Bernstein commemorates the 125th anniversary of Gustav Mahler's birth. Bernstein recorded a cycle of the Mahler symphonies and was clearly obsessed with the man. Bernstein himself was a world-class raconteur and the film provides many insights into both Mahler and Bernstein himself, both now regarded as exceptional composers, showmen, and (self...

发布于1985年。由伦纳德·伯恩斯坦执导,并且由编剧伦纳德·伯恩斯坦携幕后团队创作。集众多位Janet Baker、Christa Ludwig、Edith Mathis、Lucia Popp、Walton Groenroos等著名实力派明星加盟。

MiaMMM 2020-03-11

**人写关于大象的** 题目:大象 hhh莫名*中 - 太喜欢大师间跨越时空的对话了 对**多了几分理解 犹太特性与悲剧的注定 在一定程度上并不算过度解读

saul 2019-01-13

the song of atonement. by converting to the christianity, trying for relaxing from the restrainment of being a jew, originally given by the mosaic law. understand the dilemma itself so much that it is a shame of being jewish but the far greater shame for Mahler is to be shamed at being a shame of being jewish.

iii 2016-02-03


柏林苍穹下 2014-10-30


DorothyTu 2014-05-12


lucas 2014-03-18


吕馒头 2013-06-13


扶栏者Y 2013-06-05

又名: 关于**音乐中犹太特点的研究。指挥家韦恩斯坦对**的研究和音乐对话,鼓童隐喻一直贯穿其中。****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XMTcyNzIxMDk2.html

Février 2013-06-04


novich 2012-11-23
