
识别和追踪 (2003)

  • 别名:War at a Distance
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2003
  • 更新时间:
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识别和追踪原名:Erkennen und Verfolgen,又名War at a Distance

In 1991, when images of the Gulf War flooded the international *****, it was virtually impossible to distinguish between real pictures and those generated on computer. This loss of bearings was to change forever our way of deciphering what we see. The image is no longer used only as testimony, but also as an indispensable link in a process of production and destruction. This is...

发布于2003年。由Harun Farocki执导,并且由编剧哈伦·法罗基携幕后团队创作。并于2003公映的电影。

hibi 2023-03-23


戚时安(已结婚 2022-09-30

这辈子的冷门纪录片份额都在documentary practice course里用完了

Ziggy 🇵🇸 2022-02-17

想给两星来着,但发现是2003年出的就不忍了。在drone warfare如此普及的今天来看当然是毫无新意,一个小时没有扩展深度或广度的重复素材。平民商业界的科技发展要归功于**需求推动的科研突破。

宋哈娜 2019-06-06


小 斑 2018-12-11

很“难看”,但先锋;**影像;operative image @CoLAB

gaogao 2014-02-01
