
荒原 (1979)

  • 别名:The Abandoned Field: Free Fire Zone
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 林至 / 翠安 / De Xuan
  • 上映时间: 1979
  • 更新时间: 07-10 14:23





忏悔 阿福坦迪尔·马哈拉泽、伊雅·尼尼泽 8.0
牧童 The Lu Le、Thi Kieu Trinh Nguyen 7.9
勿燃 12-01
学爸 10-14




荒原原名:Cánh Đồng Hoang,又名The Abandoned Field: Free Fire Zone

To an American audience, "The Abandoned Field: Free-Fire Zone" is an unusual movie in many ways. First, this Vietnamese film tells a story of the Vietnam War through the eyes of Viet Cong guerillas. Instead of the camera hovering above the ground in the U.S. helicopters, it's in the rice paddies looking up at those lethal machines. Second, it depicts the effects of war on a fam...

发布于1979年。由阮鸿审执导,并且由编剧阮光生携幕后团队创作。集众多位林至、翠安、De Xuan等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1979公映的电影。

Mannialanck 2011-05-24


丁一 2011-05-24
