Dream of Kafka在线观看和下载

Dream of Kafka (2020)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: David Babayan
  • 上映时间: 2020-05-30(亚美尼亚)
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Dream of Kafka

“Miserable me. Two planks are screwed onto ** temples,” Franz thought. You can unscrew them, but stupid thoughts will immediately drag you into a dark abyss, right into the clutches of evil justice as a sentence to be served in a form of everlasting insomnia. You can still fall asleep, but the eyelids are fixed apart with tight threads, sо you cannot shut your eyes. You can wak...

发布于2020年。由David Babayan执导,并且由编剧David Babayan携幕后团队创作。集众多位David Babayan等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2020-05-30(亚美尼亚)公映的电影。

Q影誌 2022-06-20

#安纳西fsp 昨天困到不行,舍不得睡,选了个短的短片看,看完就知道坏了。果不然晚上做了噩梦,经典逃跑类型。我这人对虫子比较敏感,片中不但把小虫子放大,甚至大到跟楼房一样高,还有触角清晰可见的大特写,额滴个神啊!竟然还坚持看完了。最后又出现一个大虫子,半夜梦醒躺床上还想这个镜头。苍天!

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SH3056 2022-06-16

#Annecy2021#@festivalscope ???

阿飞 2022-06-15

#AIAFF2021#@Festivalscope 不是有甲虫就是Kafka,或许Dream of Svankmajer更合适?