
碟碟相传 (2013)

  • 别名:梦想米其林
  • 豆瓣评分:  8.6
  • 演员: Grant Achatz / Thomas Keller
  • 上映时间: 2013-10-25
  • 更新时间: 10-10 06:31







碟碟相传原名:Spinning Plates,又名梦想米其林

Spinning Plates is a documentary about three extraordinary restaurants and the incredible people who make them what they are. A cutting-edge restaurant named the seventh-best in the world whose chef must battle a life-threatening obstacle to pursue his passion. A 150-year-old family restaurant still standing only because of the unbreakable bond with its community. A fledgling M...

发布于2013年。由Joseph Levy执导,并且由编剧Joseph Levy携幕后团队创作。集众多位Grant Achatz、Thomas Keller等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013-10-25公映的电影。

斯卡哈的卡 2020-11-13

用心做每一件事 用爱心烹饪每一样食物

南瓜酱三号 2018-09-08

“At the same time ****** people comfortable, and exposed” what is your lengthy and what’s the big picture in your mind. 两场大火、舌癌、墨西哥小餐馆的坚持。

Je®men 2017-05-22

前面花了点时间铺垫 一切就在3家餐厅遇到的意外开始剧情转折

我是大皮哥 2016-04-16

“If you are confronted with obstacles early on in your life, and emotional letdowns - highs, lows… maybe you understand life at an early age. Maybe you understand that it’s highly volatile. Life is unpredictable.” “· At the same time ****** people comfortable, and exposed”

金乌一点 2016-04-11

I have no special talents. I am only unreasonably persistent.

KerrySong 2016-01-29


KikoQuiin 2015-09-06


赖** 2014-05-28

**小品 看似三个完全不同类型的餐厅,其背后都有着类似辛酸与艰难的奋斗故事。***三星大厨最后一语道破导演的初衷:原来三个餐厅冥冥之中有着内在对于restaurant&food理解的共通之处。(发现好的背景音乐为纪录片风格层次提升不少)

ShrimpEmpanada 2014-01-11


17 2013-11-03
