De weg naar het zuiden在线观看和下载

De weg naar het zuiden (1981)

  • 别名:The Way South
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 1981
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De weg naar het zuiden又名The Way South

发布于1981年。由Johan van der Keuken执导,并于1981公映的电影。

苏黎世的列车 2022-05-16

I am a man, it seems journeying in ** head when I'm standing still and marking time when I’m moving. I go from face to face. In the treadmill of overproduction, madness and profit for the few. I don't know.Maybe the dead would rather have lived.We are still young, and we have to turn the empty ***** into ***** for living.[DVDRip Multisubs/1.88G]

現在是什麼時候 2018-03-18

阿姆斯特丹、巴黎、Drôme 省、阿爾卑斯、羅馬、開羅